It’s been a long time coming, and it’s finally here: the full, uncut version of Pedro’s journal. Caveat lector, the source document is over 40 pages long, so pour out your favourite beverage, put on the European Anthem, Beethoven’s Ode to Joy (10-hour version), sit back, and enjoy the ride!
On December 8th 2022, some of our SIBlings departed to Brussels as part of a trip that is organized yearly by our travel committee with the help of our lonely board. I, Pedro, decided to write what I saw and heard as during our trip. Most of what follows is edited by yours truly with the help of our editorial committee, yet most of it went through little editing to give more of a raw perspective of what it was like to be there in Brussels at the time. Word of warning, sometimes I use the past tense, sometimes I use the present tense. Safe to say I don’t think this will win many awards, however, have fun with my journalism/incoherent ramblings. makes use of functional and analytical cookies. If you continue to use our site, we’ll assume that you’re okay with this.