Dearest lovely SIBlings,
Have you ever considered doing a board year? With the deadline for board applications closing soon, here is more information on the process. To kick off the process, you first need to email your CV and motivation letter (up to 2 pages) to After the deadline (7th of April), the board will then get in contact with you to schedule an interview, which will take place in early May. Interviews will be conducted with 2 board members and a RvA member. Please note that being interviewed does not necessarily mean you will be selected. Once interviews have concluded, the board proposes successful candidates as the Preferred Candidate Board, which the GMA then votes on at the election GMA, this is currently scheduled for the 8th of June.
On Monday we began with a lecture called ‘is Israel an Apartheid State?’ by Itai Reuveni. It was an interesting lecture, with some very valuable questions proposed. After the lecture on Monday, the Lustrum Books were finally handed out! It was lovely seeing you all running around getting them signed by your beloved SIBlings. If you have not received a lustrum book yet, there are still some leftovers at the office.
On Thursday the 30th, we had our second board interest day. If anyone has any further questions/queries/comments please feel free to reach out to any member of the board. Afterwards, we also had a very illuminating event with Madi Jobarteh, a human rights defender from the Gambia. For his work, he has been under intense scrutiny from the Gambian government. Madi Jobarteh spoke about his life and experiences in the Gambia and the current human rights situation. He provided a dynamic and contemporary view of his approach to addressing the situation.
Onto upcoming events! On Monday we have another lecture organised by the Accie. Martin Řezníček will be discussing the role of American media and explaining the principles of public media in Europe. Řezníček will share more details about Trump’s tenure and provide insight into the challenges and opportunities his work has afforded him. In addition, the topic of American politics and democracy will be discussed in a broader context and with a view to the future perspective of the political sphere in the USA and the next presidential election. This lecture will begin at 20:00 at Land van Kokanje. Following this lecture, we will head back to Mesacosa together for the Hitchhike Announcement! This will be at 22:30.
Following this, we will not have another event until the 17th of April. Pardon?! will host a Karaoke night at 21:00 at Mesacosa. So make sure you practice your fave songs in time to give the show of your life. I also highly recommend going to try out some material for the upcoming annual talent show – SIB on Stage. In preparation for this, the SIB awards have already opened up for votes, so click here to give your opinion! But more news on this in the next few weeks! On the 19th of April, there will be a documentary night and panel discussion on Wildlife Trafficking at ORKZ.
We also have SIB merch available for sale!
Click here to check out our lovely Sister SIBs all over the country.
Lots of love