The Future of the Transatlantic Defence Industry by Adam Meszaros
Mesacosa Zwanestraat 35, Groningen, NetherlandsThe Future of Transatlantic Defence Industry at a Time of Great Power Competition Adam Meszaros The Ukraine conflict has reignited the sobering idea of great power competition to the forefront ...
PubQuiz SIB-Leiden
SIB-Netherlands is a platform to exchange knowledge and know-how between the affiliated SIB cities. If you are looking to reach internationally minded students in the Netherlands. On the 11th ...
Pubquiz University Museum
University Museum Oude Kijk in 't Jatstraat 7a, GroningenAre you a real mastermind? Join the Big Groninger Science Pubquiz at the University Museum Groningen on Thursday the 12th at 19:30-22:30. The location is Universiteitsmuseum Groningen, Oude Kijk in ...
Macro-trends in Humanitarian Assistance by Eero Janson
Mesacosa Zwanestraat 35, Groningen, NetherlandsMacro-trends in Humanitarian Assistance - largest trends in the humanitarian sector under the scope. Eero Janson Just a year ago the Estonian Refugee Council was the first, and is still ...
Dies Natalis Announcement / Movie Theme Party
Mesacosa Zwanestraat 35, Groningen, NetherlandsCome after the lecture to our Movie Party where you can dress up as any of your favorite movie characters. Would you rather be the godfather? Maybe R2D2 from Star Wars? ...
Members Meeting
On the 18th of October at 15:00, we will have a Members Meeting in the office. During the Members Meeting, we will have an informal discussion on anything and everything ...
Trip to The Hague
The HagueOn Friday the 20th of October, we will have our annual trip to The Hague! We will meet at the Groningen Station at 8:15 in the morning and leave by ...
Protests in Iran by dr. Pooyan Tamimi Arab
Mesacosa Zwanestraat 35, Groningen, NetherlandsThe protests in Iran continue and keep changing the way of thinking of many Iranians. Researchers around the world analyzing the situation in Iran want to get an insight into ...
Halloween Party
Mesacosa Zwanestraat 35, Groningen, NetherlandsAs the days become shorter and eerie, darkness sets on the Groningen streets sooner by the day. Join us for the spookiest night of the year at our Halloween party! ...