Open and free for everybody
“EU policy on the Western Balkans” by Szabolcs Horváth
Doopsgezinde Kerk Oude Boteringestraat 33, GroningenThe Western Balkan region, home of close to 18 million people, is not only geographically surrounded by EU member countries but also shares various cultural and economical ties. EU integration ...
“How is the Netherlands facing up to its colonial past?” Lecture by Anne-Lot Hoek
Van Swinderen Huys Oude Boteringestraat 19, GroningenThere’s a dark side to the years that brought huge prosperity to the Netherlands with the trade-in of spices, sugar, coffee, tobacco and other goods. From the 16th to the ...
Preferred Candidate Board Announcement Party
Mesacosa Zwanestraat 35, Groningen, Netherlands1976 - the year that the filming for Star Wars began, Apple was founded and the first Apple computer was released, the CN Tower in Toronto was built, chimpanzees were ...
“The End of Comfort? Facing climate change and energy security” Symposium with Jakub Wiech and Malte Renz
Van Swinderen Huys Oude Boteringestraat 19, GroningenThe last few years, and especially the last few months, have unequivocally demonstrated the impermanence of life. The 2020s began with an unexpected worldwide event that radically overturned the previous ...
Discussion Evening: “Identity Politics, Populism, and the Rise of Illiberal Democracies”
Marie Lokezaal, Harmony Building Oude Kijk in't Jaat Straat, Groningen, Groningen, NetherlandsOn 16th June, the Centre for Religion, Conflict and Globalization, the Institute for Indian Studies (Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies) together with University College Groningen, and SIB-Groningen will be ...
KEI-week 2022
Mesacosa Zwanestraat 35, Groningen, NetherlandsIn August, Groningen will welcome her new students during the KEI-week. Of course, the SIB will also be participating in this year's KEI-week. You can find our program below. Are ...
KEI-week: Beach Party!
Mesacosa Zwanestraat 35, Groningen, NetherlandsSummer days drifting away to - oh, oh the summer nights. On Monday the 15th of August, the KEI week starts again! To celebrate, the SIB will start off with ...
KEI-week: White Lies Party
Mesacosa Zwanestraat 35, Groningen, NetherlandsAfter the KEI parade, the SIB will have a White Lies (also known as Emotional Damage) Party! You've probably been there at some point in your life: you don't want ...
KEI-week: Blacklight Party
During the pub crawl of KEI you can come to the SIB for a blacklight party! Dance the night away to our favourite hits with some glow in the dark ...
KEI-week: The Rave Cave
Mesacosa Zwanestraat 35, Groningen, NetherlandsCome join us on Thursday night for The Rave Cave! After some years of corona it is time to come together and party. Our location will be decorated to make ...