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Groninger Night
Monday 8 April 2024, 20:00 - 02:00
Moi eem, jonkjes en wichtjes! The Daccie would like to cordially invite you to Groninger Night (Grunneger Naacht). This evening, once organised by illustrious dispuut Pardon?! (shout-out!), will involve a small proatje on the history of Groningen by esteemed student-historian Christiaan Brinkhuis, a tour around town with some Groninger drinks, and an interactive quiz show famous from RTV Noord Klouk!
It’s bound to be a jolly night with plenty of gezelligheid ja. Kom hang’n, tou gewoon eem!
When, wanneer? 8th of April from 20:00. Where, waar? Mesacosa, Zwanestraat 35