Groninger Night
Monday 17 February, 20:00 - 22:00
Moi eem!
Are you ready for another Daccie presents: Groninger Night!? Sure, you are. It’s, arguably (and we’re Dutch so we WILL argue), the best night in the SIB curriculum, and it is simply not to be missed. What does it entail, you ask? In Groninger Night the Daccie continues the tradition set by dispuut Pardon?! and organises an event to highlight some of the many facets this beautiful, some say perfect, city has to offer. It will feature the following:
– Ain proatje: A (short) lecture by Bob Bergsma (Chair of the University Council) on Student Representation within the University
– de Koierntocht: A tour through the city with many facts and factoids, and Beerenburg (that’s liquor)!
– Klouk!: A quiz show format seen on RTVNoord.
Just saying, you wouldn’t want to miss it. Last editions have been an absolute hoot!
See you there and then: Club Pepr, 17th of February 20:00!
Oke, nou is ‘t wel weer mooi ‘west, moi maar weer eem hè,
The Dutch Activities Committee