In accordance with the SIB’s Statutes and Rules & Regulations, your are able to cancel your membership each association’s year. The association’s year runs from 1 October up and until 31 September. There is a month’s notice.
If you cancel your membership before 1 September, the contribution for the following association’s year will not be due.
If you cancel your membership after 1 September, your membership will continue until the end of the following association’s year. In this case, you will be obliged to pay the full membership contribution for the following association’s year.
If you signed up using the KEI-deal this year, you can cancel your membership without any further costs before 31 December. If you cancel your membership after 31 December, you are obliged to pay the €25 for the second part of the association’s year.
You can cancel your membership by sending an email to
Leaving SIB, but want to stay involved? Join our alumni association, VVV-SIB!