Confidential Advisors

A confidential advisor is someone in the association who you can talk to when you are struggling with anything and trust that they won’t discuss what you say to them with anyone else without your explicit permission. Their main role is to listen to you. They may be able to help or offer advice. The only exception to their confidentiality is if they are worried that you will harm yourself or anyone else, in which case they will let you know that they have to inform someone. 

Last year, we had three confidential advisors, Annemijn Verloop, Thomas Beller, and Annika Geschke. This year the confidential advisors will consists of Alexandra McArdle, Luca Lipovics and Kees Scholte. Their introduction will be visible on the website by the end of October.

AnnEmijn Verloop

Hi, you might know me from our communication in the Introduction days, through committee interviews or just seeing me around at the SIB. You might not know, but a part of what I do as Comm Intern also involves being there for any SIBling who would like to discuss something with someone. As such, being a Confidential Advisor is integrated into my job as Comm Intern, so please do reach out if you need a listening ear about anything SIB related, or the study stress is getting to you. I might not have any advice; however, I strongly believe that even a listening ear can help sometimes! Next to me, the other Confidential Advisors are Thomas Beller, the president, and Annika Geschke, who was the Comm Intern last year and has the most approachable air around her. Between the three of us, choose whomever you would like to contact if there is anything you want to discuss. For myself, you can reach me at so email me if you want and we can set up a call or a meeting.


Thomas Beller

Hi, you might know me from my speeches, through GMAs or just seeing me around at the SIB. Please do reach out if you need a listening ear about anything SIB related, or the study stress is getting to you. I might not have any advice; however, I strongly believe that even a listening ear can help sometimes! Between the three of us, choose whomever you would like to contact if there is anything you want to discuss. For myself, you can reach me at so email me if you want and we can set up a call or a meeting.


Annika Geschke

Hi there, I’m Anni, some of you might know me as the previous Comm PRIntern of this lovely association, others as a fellow Bebo member, SIBling and friend, or maybe you have just seen my face around in different SIB events. As confidential advisor I am here to offer a listening ear if you need to talk. Whether this is about studies, student life, or anything regarding the SIB, I am here to listen. Additionally, if you specifically have problems or concerns regarding the Board and don’t feel comfortable approaching them personally, please reach out to me. Whatever you discuss with me, I will not share with anyone without your permission. Feel free to approach me in person or via the email address below. 

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