Bar Committee

Bar Committee

The Bar Heroes make sure you won’t be dehydrated at SIB lectures, drinks and parties. Anybody who has been a member for more than a year can join the Bar Committee.

Bar Committee 2023-2024

Marieke Bouma (President)

Yanna Gjaltema 

Matthias van Binsbergen

Hannah Müllers 

Wouter Stigter 

Tahan Varugis 

Thijmen Damm 

Clara Mountstephens-Fietz

Suzanna Biallosterski 

Martijn van der Meer 

Kees Scholte 

Iris Figueira Visser 

Sylke Ferwerda 

Roos van der Togt

Clara Jane Hickey 

Dariana Geru 

Hanna Roy

Bram van Lenthe

Polina Boiko

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