

We organise lectures, symposia and conferences on Monday nights. They deal with international topics such as politics, law, environmental issues, terrorism, economics, and human rights. Recent speakers include:

Most lectures last for around an hour. Afterwards you have the chance to ask the speaker your own questions during a Q&A session. Many speakers stay for a drink after their lecture, so you have the chance to ask your questions in person. Other intellectual activities include our yearly Diplomats Dinner and the Dies Natalis Conference.


Of course, our association provides in the social aspects of student life. After every lecture, we have drinks or parties that can last late into the night. Our Festivities Committee or disputen organize parties.

Each September we have our Introduction Camp. During this weekend, the freshmen can get to know each other and older members. Later in the year, the annual social activities include the Inauguration, the Christmas Dinner and the Galant Gala. The Social Activities Committee organises social activities for the members throughout the year.

The SIB also has disputen, social groups that meet at least one night per week. They take on new members every year. Disputen also organise parties and lectures for the association.


Do you want to arrange a lecture with a big speaker, plan a theme party or coordinate an international trip? Join one of our committees! There are 12 different SIB Committees, so there is always one that suits your interests.

The Board handles the day-to-day management of the SIB. It is supported by committees and project groups. They all have a specific task within the SIB, such as organising parties, conferences, or our big SIB Trip.

Every year, a committee or project group will consist of a new group of members. As future employers will value organisational and practical skills, being part of a committee is a great addition to your résumé.


Explore the world with our trips! You can join our Brussels trip or the annual career trip to a European city. The Hitchhiking Contest is a long weekend in June where we hitchhike to a city within Europe. The grand finale is our big Trip, a packed 10-day trip to at least one far away country.

During each trip we visit institutions such as embassies, ministries and NGOs. Previous destinations include Morocco, Russia, Greece, and the Ukraine. Trips are organized by a dispuut, project group or a committee.

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