Introducing: Kornelis Blok

Introducing: Kornelis Blok

The second speaker of the symposium “International Climate Politics and the Energy Transition”, which takes place on 5 April, is Prof. Kornelis Blok.

Kornelis Blok works as a Professor of Energy Systems Analysis at Delft University of Technology. He has all-round research experience in the field of energy efficiency improvement, clean energy production, energy system simulation and energy and climate policy analysis. Blok played an important role in the development of European energy policies and international climate policies and has worked in many countries around the globe.

Blok has authored many articles, books and research reports, including the Third and Fourth Assessment Reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007.

In 1984, he was one of the founders of Ecofys, which has become a leading consultancy in renewable energy, energy & carbon efficiency, energy systems & markets and energy & climate policy. Ecofys was chosen as the most innovative company of the Netherlands in 2008. Blok is currently Director of Science at this organisation.

“I will discuss the transition which is necessary to realise the latest international climate agreements. What is the long-term transition process we need to go through? What does that require in the short and medium term? And what does that mean for international relations?”

To see more of what Kornelis Blok does, check

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